EAFF East Asian Cup 2015 & EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2

EAFF East Asian Cup 2015 & EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2


EAFF East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2
  • Chinese Taipei
  • DPR Korea
  • Guam
  • HongKong


EAFF Women's East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2
  • Chinese Taipei
  • Guam
  • HongKong
  • Korea Rep


M-111/13(Thu) 16:00~Match Summary
DPRKorea DPR Korea  2 - 1  HongKong HongKong
Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-211/13(Thu) 19:00~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  1 - 2  Guam Guam
Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-31/16(Sun) 16:00~Match Summary
Guam Guam  1 - 5  DPR Korea DPR Korea
Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-411/16(Sun) 19:00~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  0 - 1  HongKong HongKong
Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-511/19(Wed) 16:00~Match Summary
Guam Guam  0 - 0  HongKong HongKong
Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-611/19(Wed) 19:00~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  0 - 0  DPR Korea DPR Korea
Taipei Municipal Stadium


W-111/12(Wed) 10:30~Match Summary
Korea Rep Korea Rep  15 - 0  Guam Guam
W-211/12(Wed) 14:30~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  2 - 0  HongKong HongKong
W-311/15(Sat) 10:30~Match Summary
HongKong HongKong  0 - 9  Korea Rep Korea Rep
W-411/15(Sat) 14:30~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  4 - 0  Guam Guam
W-511/18(Tue) 16:00~Match Summary
HongKong HongKong  3 - 0  Guam Guam
Taipei Municipal Stadium
W-611/18(Tue) 19:00~Match Summary
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei  0 - 2  Korea Rep Korea Rep
Taipei Municipal Stadium



Message from EAFF President

Dear football friends,

Firstly please allow me to congratulate Chinese Taipei Football Association for hosting the EAFF East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Round 2 competition, which serves as the qualifiers for the East Asian Cup 2015 Final to be held in early August China next year.

Being a key member in the East Asian region, Chinese Taipei Football Association in recently year has made great efforts to promote its football at all levels, including organizing various international football competitions. We are very happy that for the 3rd time our EAFF competition is held here after 2005 & 2009.

Being a key member in the East Asian region, Chinese Taipei Football Association in recently year has made great efforts to promote its football at all levels, including organizing various international football competitions. We are very happy that for the 3rd time our EAFF competition is held here after 2005 & 2009.

I also wish the stress that this competition is the first one ever in EAFF history that all 12 matches will be live streaming on our official website, allowing spectators all around the world to watch our competition.

In this regard, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to all those involved in the competition, especially to my colleagues at CTFA who work closely with us to deliver a competition in a well prepared manner. My gratitude also goes to our partner dentsu and sponsors for their dedicated support.

Finally, I wish all the teams the best luck in the competition and play the best football. Most importantly, Enjoy football and enjoy life.

Zhang Jian
President, EAFF

Message from the President of the Chinese Taipei Football Association

Da jia hao!

Welcome to the Preliminary Competition Round 2 of EAFF Men’s East Asian Cup and EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup here in Taipei. It is my pleasure and honor to welcome all teams, officials and guests attending this tournament to our cultural and beautiful country.

On behalf of the Chinese Taipei Football Association, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members involved in the preparation of this tournament for their tireless and continuous support. Without their help, we would not have been able to host this highly competitive and exciting tournament in Taipei!
Furthermore, I would also like to thank the Hsinchu County and Taipei City Government for their kind assistance and support by providing us with wonderful venues for all teams to compete at its best.
And last but not least, I would like to thank each and every one of our distinguished guests, including the President and the General Secretary of the EAFF, for visiting Taipei to attend this event.

I have always been a strong believer that honing one’s skill through tough and difficult competition helps leverage the overall standard of football in the region. I am confident that we will witness a tough and high class competition which leads football in the East Asian region to the next level in the coming 10 days tournament. Encouraging the spirit of fair play, I wish all participating teams the best of luck.

In closing, this tournament is not only an opportunity to compete but is an opportunity to learn from each other’s cultures, build bridges and making friends. I encourage all teams, officials and guest to enjoy Taipei, filled with rich culture and delicious local cuisine!

Cheng-Yi LIN
President, Chinese Taipei Football Association


Official Title of the Competition
EAFF East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2
EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2015 Preliminary Competition Round 2
East Asian Football Federation (EAFF)
Organising Association
Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA)
Competition Date and Venue
12-19 November 2014 in Chinese Taipei
Taipei Municipal Stadium/HSINCHU Stadium
Participating Associations
Men’s Team: Chinese Taipei, Guam(winner of Round 1), Hong Kong, DPR Korea
Women’s Team: Chinese Taipei, Guam(winner of Round 1), Hong Kong, Korea Rep.
Match Schedule (M&W)
Date Time Match Venue
W-1 12 Nov
10:30 Korea Rep. vs Guam HSINCHU Stadium
W-2 14:30 Chinese Taipei vs Hong Kong
M-1 13 Nov
16:00 DPR Korea vs Hong Kong Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-2 19:00 Chinese Taipei vs Guam
W-3 15 Nov
10:30 Hong Kong vs Korea Rep. HSINCHU Stadium
W-4 14:30 Chinese Taipei vs Guam
M-3 16 Nov
16:00 Guam vs DPR Korea Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-4 19:00 Chinese Taipei vs Hong Kong
W-5 18 Nov
16:00 Hong Kong vs Guam Taipei Municipal Stadium
W-6 19:00 Chinese Taipei vs Korea Rep.
M-5 19 Nov
16:00 Guam vs Hong Kong Taipei Municipal Stadium
M-6 19:00 Chinese Taipei vs DPR Korea
Mode of competition and rules for determining the winner
1. The system of play shall be the league system, each team playing one (1) match against each of other teams, with three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a draw and none for a defeat.
2. The EAFF shall decide the match fixture for the round 1 in consultation with the Organising Association.
3-1. The ranking of each team will be determined as follows:In the competition format, the ranking in the group shall be determined as follows:
  • A) Greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
  • B) Goal difference in all the group matches;
  • C) Greatest number of goals scored in all the group matches;
3-2. If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above criteria, their rankings shall be determined as follows:
  • D) Greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned;
  • E) Goal difference resulting from the matches between the teams concerned;
  • F) Greater number of goals scored in the group matches between the teams concerned;
  • G) Kicks from the penalty mark if only two teams are involved and they are both on the field of play;
  • H) Drawing lots by the EAFF.
Duration of Matches:
Each Match shall be played for ninety (90) minutes consisting of two (2) periods of forty-five (45) minutes with an interval of fifteen (15) minutes in between.There shall be no extra time in all matches.In case of article 3.2.(G), penalty kicks shall be taken after ninty (90) minutes to determine the winner, in accordance with the procedures described in the Laws of the Games. No extra time shall be played.