The matters discussed and approved in the meeting were as follows:
(1) Minutes from 4th EAFF Extraordinary Congress held on 15 December 2020 and 9th EAFF Ordinary Congress held on 30 March 2018 were approved.
(2) The Activities for the term 2018-2021 were reported and approved.
(3) Statement of Accounts and the Auditor’s Reports for 2021 were reported and approved.
(4) EAFF Budget for 2022 was approved.
(5) Proposal for amendments and alteration of article 49 in the EAFF Statutes was proposed and approved.
(6) The President, three Vice Presidents and the six Executive Committee Members for the term 2022-2026 were elected as follows:
President: Mr. DU Zhaocai (China PR)
Vice President: Mr. TASHIMA Kohzo (Japan)
Vice President: Mr. FOK Kai Shan Eric (Hong Kong)
Vice President: Mr. CHUN Hanjin (Korea Republic)
Executive Committee Member: Mr. WANG Sheau-Shiun (Chinese Taipei)
Executive Committee Member: Mr. CHAN Keng Hou (Macau)
Executive Committee Member: Mr. AMGALANBAATAR Ganbaatar (Mongolia)
Executive Committee Member: Mr. TAN Jerry (Northern Mariana Islands)
AFC Executive Committee Member: Mr. SAN GIL Valentino (Guam)
Female Executive Committee Member: Ms. HAN Un Gyong