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May 14, 2007
동아시아 여자 축구 선수권 2008 예선 대회의 일정이 2007년 7월 1~5일로 변경 되었습니다. EAFF 여자 축구 선수권 2008 예선 대회 일정:2007년 7월 1일(일)~5일(목) 개최지:괌
2007.4.6 Fri
East Asian Football Championship 2008 Preliminary Competition and EAFF Women’s Football Championship 2008 Preliminary Competition
2007.3.15 Thu
East Asian Football Championship 2008 Preliminary Competition Draw Result
2007.2.28 Wed
20th EAFF Executive Committee Meeting
2006.12.17 Sun
Decisions taken at the 19th EAFF Executive Committee meeting.
2006.8.31 Thu
Dr. Henry YT Fok, Life Honorary President of the Hong Kong Football Association, passed away of illness on the 28th of October, 2006.
2006.7.20 Thu
The 3rd EAFF Ordinary Congress and 17th and 18th Executive Committee Meetings were held in Beijing
2006.7.4 Tue
Outline of the EAFF U-14 Youth Festival 2006 China
2006.4.4 Tue
16th East Asian Football Federation Executive Committee Meeting
2006.1.23 Mon
Meeting Held between EAFF and the Northern Mariana Islands
2005.12.14 Wed
15th East Asian Football Federation Executive Committee Meeting