The East Asian Football Federation (EAFF) held its 57th Executive Committee Meeting on the following schedule.
Date: Thursday, 6 September
Time: 1000hrs
Place: Crystal Room, Blue Sky Hotel, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The matters discussed and approved were as follows;
(1) Activity report on FIFA Forward Development Programme EAFF U-15 Boys’ Tournament 2018, EAFF Referee Clinic and EAFF Coaching Course conducted in July 2018 in Xianghe, China was reported.
(2) EAFF E-1 Football Championship 2019 Round 2
●The Regulations of the Competition was approved
●Approved to have Round 2 Women’s hosted in Guam from 1 - 5 December 2019.
(3) The EAFF E-1 Football Championship 2019 Final was agreed to be hosted between 9 -18 December 2019 in Korea Republic.
(4) Approved to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with regards to partnership between EAFF and WAFF.
(5) Unanimously agreed to support Mr. Ganbaatar AMGALANBAATAR as the AFC Executive Committee Member representing the East Zone in the coming AFC Congress in Kuala Lumpur.
(6) NMI FA reported on the completion of the new Training Center.