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Which of the following countries played the Korea Rep. national team in an international friendly match on October 13, 2023?
2023年10月6日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技決勝戦 日本vs朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Final match between Japan and DPR Korea in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 6 October 2023?
2023年10月6日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技3位決定戦 中国vsウズベキスタンの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the bronze medal match between China PR and Uzbekistan in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 6 October 2023?
2023年10月3日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準決勝 ウズベキスタンvs朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Semi-finals match between Uzbekistan and DPR Korea in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 3 October 2023?
2023年10月3日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準決勝 中国vs日本の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Semi-finals match between China PR and Japan in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 3 October 2023?
2023年9月30日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準々決勝 韓国vs朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Quarter-finals match between Korea Rep. and DPR Korea in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 30 September 2023?
2023年9月30日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準々決勝 日本vsフィリピンの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Quarter-finals match between Japan and Philippines in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 30 September 2023?
2023年9月30日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準々決勝 チャイニーズ・タイペイvsウズベキスタンの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Quarter-finals match between Chinese Taipei and Uzbekistan in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 30 September 2023?
2023年9月30日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技準々決勝 中国vsタイの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the Quarter-finals match between China PR and Thailand in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 30 September 2023?
2023年9月28日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループE第5戦 韓国vs香港の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the fifth Group E match between Korea Rep. and Hong Kong, China in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 28 September 2023?
2023年9月25日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループE第4戦 香港vsミャンマーの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the forth Group E match between Philippines and Korea Rep. in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 25 September 2023?
2023年9月25日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループE第3戦 香港vsミャンマーの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the third Group E match between Myanmar and Hong Kong, China in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 25 September 2023?
2023年9月22日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループE第2戦 韓国vsミャンマーの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the second Group E match between Korea Rep. and Myanmar in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 22 September 2023?
2023年9月22日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループE第1戦 香港vsフィリピンの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the first Group E match between Hong Kong, China and Philippines in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 22 September 2023?
2023年9月28日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループD第5戦 日本vsベトナムの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the fifth Group D match between Japan and Vietnam in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 28 September 2023?
2023年9月25日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループD第4戦 ネパールvs日本の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the forth Group D match between Nepal and Japan in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 25 September 2023?
2023年9月22日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループD第1戦 日本vsバングラデシュの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the first Group D match between Japan and Bangladesh in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 22 September 2023?
2023年9月27日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループC第2戦 シンガポールvs朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the second Group C match between Singapore and DPR Korea in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 27 September 2023?
2023年9月24日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループC第1戦 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国vsシンガポールの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the first Group C match between DPR Korea and Singapore in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 24 September 2023?
2023年9月27日のアジア競技大会女子サッカー競技グループB第3戦 タイvsチャイニーズ・タイペイの試合結果は次のうちどれ?
Which of the following matches was the result of the third Group B match between Thailand and Chinese Taipei in the women's football competition of the Asian Games on 27 September 2023?