On the 17th of December 2012 a reception commemorating the 10th anniversary of the East Asian Football Federation (EAFF) was held at Hotel Okura in Tokyo.

At the reception over 100 guests gathered including members and administrators of member nations where they looked back on the past 10 years and appreciated and celebrated the friendship and development that have been fostered during the past 10 years.
The President of the EAFF, Mr. CHO Chung Yun, opened the reception with a welcoming speech.

Asian Football Federation (AFC) President, Mr Zhang Jilong, delivering a message.

Mr Junji Ogura, Honorary President of EAFF delivered a speech and read a message from Mr Shun-ichiro Okano, the First and also an Honorary President of EAFF who could not attend this year.

Next the President thanked the ongoing support of Dentsu, the marketing partner, and the member nations and regions of EAFF and presented them with a commemorative plate.

The magic show by the magician (JK) from Korea.

Mr KIM Sang Jun, the Honorary Vice President of EAFF, gave a toast to celebrate the occasion.

A performance by the Sand Artist from Korea.
The ceremony was closed peacefully by wishing the success of the East Asian Football Championship to be held next year and pledging for further solidarity of the member nations.