The East Asian Football Federation held its executive committee meeting on the following schedule.

The main topics and discussion were as below:
36th East Asian Football Federation Executive Committee Meeting
Time and date: 8 December (Sat) 16:00-17:30
Venue: Regal Hong Kong Hotel (Hong Kong)
(1) Activity Reports in 2012
・Regarding the 8th EAFF Competition Committee Meeting held on 8th May in Seoul
・Regarding the 21st EAFF Financial Committee Meeting held on 11th May in Tokyo
・EAFF East Asian Cup & EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2013 Preliminary Competition
Round 1 in Guam (17 – 22 July 2012)
・EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2013 Preliminary Competition Round 2 in China PR
(20 – 24 November 2012 in Shenzhen, China PR)
・EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 Preliminary Competition Round 2 in Hong Kong
(1 – 9 December 2012 in Hong Kong)
(2) Approval on the modification of the member in the standing committee.
(3) EAFF East Asian Cup & EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2013 Final Competition
Date & Venue : 20 – 28 July 2013, Korea Rep.
Participation Team: (M) Korea Rep., China PR, Japan, Australia
(W) Korea Rep., China PR, Japan, DPR Korea